Frequently Asked Questions |
Auto Accident FAQ's
Am I entitled to compensation if I am injured by a driver of another vehicle who was at fault in the collision?
You may be entitled to be reimbursed for your property damage, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. A full investigation should be done to determine the value of your claim.
How will the insurance company determine what my case is worth?
Many factors are considered. Medical expenses, severity of injuries, permanency of injuries are a few.
I have full coverage insurance. Do I need a lawyer?
I hear this many times from clients only to realize that they really do not have all the coverage they thought they had. In today’s insurance market there are many different coverages in policies and some are up to the client to purchase. Only a full review of your policy’s declaration page will truly tell what coverages are included.
What if the other driver has no insurance or is under insured?
Uninsured motorist coverage is coverage that is specifically designed to cover such circumstances. There are rules regarding payment of these benefits that can be explained by us.
The insurance adjuster for the at fault party made me a small offer to settle just after the wreck. Should I take the offer?
Many times insurance companies will make nominal offers just after a wreck, before medical bills are tallied, and injuries are fully diagnosed. It is important to fully investigate your claim before settling.